Hope Prockop on Gratitude, Community, and Fulfillment as an Official Referee

As many followers and life-long enthusiasts know, squash is an addictive sport that roots itself in its players' lives. It’s a sport that sticks with people and forms communities. Not only is it a game within four walls, but also one that exists outside of the court. For Hope Prockop, a decorated player, dedicated coach, and now one of the few female Officials, squash has been the “melody of [her] life’s song” for over four decades. In a recent interview, Hope shared her reflections on her journey through the world of squash and highlighted the profound impact it has had on her life. Hope playing at Squash on Fire Hope was first introduced to squash at Groton School in 1982, where a math teacher introduced her to the game. From that moment, she was captivated, and squash became her enduring passion. Reflecting on her favorite aspect of squash, Hope emphasized her gratitude towards “the community of people (passionat...